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B r e e d i n g
P h i l o s o p h y 



A B O U T   O U R   C A T T L E

At Lyncoranne Angus we take our 'duty of care' obligations regarding our herd's genetic integrity very seriously, making every effort to maintain favourable heritability within our breeder's bloodlines. Employing the very best quantitative cattle phenotype and genetic expression available has advanced and improved our stud and commercial herds balanced breeding programs. 


A positive component of our herd's progress has been our successful breeding Ultrablack (Brangus/Angus X) program, which we established approximately 15 years ago. The Lyncoranne Angus and Ultrablack (Brangus/Angus X) herd's holistic breeding operation is based on real world facts and reliable results. The principle driving force behind our breeding program's developmental progress and longevity are Abattoir - Carcase Dressing to Ausmeat Specifications and Meat Standards Australia (MSA) carcase feedback results. 


Livestock genetic selection and Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s) are our passions. Our Lyncoranne Angus breeding program’s genetic progress is an evolving entity, accelerated by sourcing and breeding the very best genetics and livestock available for our core cowherd and herd sires. During 2008, we decided to venture into the stud game, satisfied that our commercial background would be an added bonus. 


The 'do-ability' trait inherent in our cattle is of the upmost importance, as it is a means to cope with the North Coast's variable climatic conditions, which range from excessively wet summers to 'green drought' dry springs. 


Key to our beef enterprise's profitability is the optimisation of  our herd's performance ability in our feeder (grain/grass) program: to turn off the maximum kilograms of beef per hectare at the lowest production cost and shortest time-frame possible with decreased greenhouse emissions an added positive benefit.  




Tel: (02)66647261
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