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M a n a g i n g   Y o u r
   B u l l   P u r c h a s e  

Y O U R   O B L I G A T I O N S

Please read this helpful and important document carefully as it applies to your bull purchase.


Your new bull will be subjected to strange yards, different noises and handlers, loss of mates, transport, new paddocks and different water and feed. Understanding these unfamiliar scenarios and how they can effect and possibly upset your new bulls, we recommend the following procedures to reduce the animals stress and assist with your bulls settling in process.


Recommendations to ensure a long and effective working life of your new bull:


When purchasing a yearling bull from our breeding program we DO NOT recommend joining until such bull has matured to 2 years old, as the Far North Coast environmental conditions are not conducive to the joining of immature yearling bulls. NOTE: The early joining of immature yearling bulls is conducted AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Upon arrival ensure your new bull is left to settle and adjust to his new environment in your yards, with a group of quiet animal/s (e.g. house cow, herd cows or steers, NO BULLS). Please provide hay and water, and then leave your new bull to settle over night.


When introducing young bulls into your herd, DO NOT multiple-sire join your newly purchased bull with older unfamiliar bulls. The older dominant bulls will torment and possibly injure their younger ‘rivals’, disallowing the younger bulls to serve. We advise joining young bulls in single-sire groups or with similar aged bulls for multiple-sire groups.


Protect your new bull from over joining as new bulls have the highest risk of ‘break down’.


We DO NOT use dogs to muster our cattle, and there is a NO DOGS ALLOWED RULE whilst handling livestock in our yards.


Lyncoranne bulls are familiar with unrushed quad bike mustering and have regular human contact to maximise a quiet temperament.   


Vaccinate annually with 7 in 1, protect from fly blight and negative environmental conditions with suitable product(s). (Consult with your vet and rural store).



Inspection of all sale bulls is advisable before committing to purchase. High resolution photos of all sale bulls are taken prior to departure and are available on request.


GUARANTEE:   In the unlikely event of bull infertility after your purchase date provided it is not caused by injury, misadventure, mismanagement, negligence or disease contracted after the sale,  we will endeavor to provide you with a satisfactory replacement. If a suitable bull is unavailable, we can issue you with either a credit equal to the purchase price, less the salvage value to be used at a future sale.  Or, refund the purchase price less the bull's salvage value.                                        

Any request for replacement, credit or a refund (minus the salvage value) must be lodged with us within nine (9) months from the purchase date. A veterinary certificate  (at your cost) regarding fertility must accompany your complaint. After this period, no claim will be entered into.           


NOTE:   We recommend all new bull purchases be semen tested prior to delivery, as this practice is optional before sale date. (Asssociated fees and charges to be negotiated prior to bull purchase pick-up).  New owner's taking delivery of an untested bull do so at THEIR OWN RISK.       

Tel: (02)66647261

C o m e   V i s it   U s !


616-665 Theresa Creek Road.

Tel: (02) 66647261

© 2018 by DI PRATT. Terms & Conditions

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