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R e g e n e r a t i v e
F a r m i n g 



L A N D  &  G R A Z I N G  M A N A G E M E N T 

Our property's topography is very typical of the scenic foothills of the Northern New South Wales Cambridge Plateau.  Ranging in topography diversity from basalt fertile creek flats to undulating cleared hills and plateaus, surrounded by native forest ridges.


Over a period of some 28 years we have been applying holistic management to build a regenerative and profitable farm enterprise. The regenerative synergized process includes the practice of 'SoilCare' biological principles and the incorporation of ‘Agricultural and Information Monitoring Services’ (AIMS) and Holistic Grazing Management methodologies.


Early on in our land management  practices we implemented rotational grazing and pasture improvement programs. Our rotational grazing program consists of  ‘single sired’ mobs systematically moved through their allocated paddocks, relative to the pasture's growth patterns. The successful implementation of proactive pasture and grazing management practices, has improved Tumbeelluwa's carrying capacity by approximately 35% overall. 


The properties soil type fluctuates from fertile, black loam, alluvial creek flats; rocky basalt ridges; sandy loam slopes; clay loam to heavy clay type Podsolic ridges and plateaus and one Red/Ferrosol plateau.  But, some soil leaching is problematic due to this area's yearly average to high rainfall, in excess of 1400mm.  


Due to the introduction of our land management programs our pasture species has improved to include Kikuyu, Paspalum, clover and Winter Rye species on the fertile soils, whereas Rhodes grass and native grasses are more prevalent on the less productive soils. By improving our soils through biologicial farming management, we believe we will significantly increase our grass species diversity to avoid slipping into an adverse mono culture pasture environment.


In an attempt to improve soil structure and fertility, increase nutrient exchange and improve nitrogen and oxygen permeability on our property's soils, we have introduced biodynamic practices and a no-till cultivation operation. We believe these practices are a positive method for correcting and improving our soil's biology, especially in areas exhibiting high acidification levels.  


Although Rotational Grazing, Biological and Regenerative farming techniques are inconsistent with the standard conventional set-stock farming methods practiced by the majority of beef producers in our district, we believe that in time our introduced and native grass pasture coverage will increase substantially. Our objective is to increase our properties ground cover to 100% on favourable soil types and increase our inferior quality soils ground cover upwards of 85%, thus increasing kilos of beef per hectare and our properties environmental sustainability.

P L A N N I N G   I D E A S

Property planning is an essential component of our whole farm operation and an invaluable management tool. By carefully examining the effects of our Property Plan Management Program we are able to adapt and adjust where necessary in an effort to learn which strategies have been successful in furthering our goals. 

     'S O I L C A R E'   S E M I N A R

P R O P E R T Y   M A N A G E M E N T   P L A N N I N G   P R E S E N T A T I O N 

 -  Lynton & Di Pratt

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